
I’m an undergraduate studying Mechanical Engineering at Arizona State University. My passion for space has driven me to be the sole designer and fabricator of a test-bed for a graduate research project. This hard work took me all the way to NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where I interned before finishing my sophomore year of school. I’ve since continued my research career and have continued work in the design and construction of robotic mobility platforms and novel platforms for ecology sensing. I’m currently looking to continue my research at a graduate level where I seek to study robotics and the positive impact they create in the environment, healthcare, and space research.

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/darwin-mick


NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory

I took a semester off school to pursue an 8-month long internship at NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory where I worked on the Barefoot Rover project. The purpose of this project is to develop a tactile sensing rover wheel that uses machine learning to enable in-situ terrain classification which enables safer rover driving and achieves various science goals. I acted as a liaison between the test-bed’s hardware team and the machine learning customer. Furthermore, I optimized test-bed operation by successful completion of tasks such as redesigning and fabricating an electronics box, designing and fabricating a slip mechanism, and helping start ROS implementation. When the summer interns arrived I was tasked with helping on board new members and organizing the team. Overall, this experience vastly increased my design skills with real-life practice while also exercising my team leadership and soft skills.

NSF-CPS Challenge

The NSF-CPS Challenge was a virtual competition that was held as a result of the pandemic. In this competition, teams from around the world competed to create an autonomous system where a drone could detect a soil probe and land it on a moving rover. I effectively coded, modeled, and ran simulations using ROS and Gazebo to simulate my teams autonomy solution. We placed third overall.


My work with the Distributed Robotics Exploration and Systems (DREAMS) Laboratory is focused around design of novel instrumentation to enable ecology research. I also play a role as a rapid prototyping specialist and I support other students in their research when they require the use of 3D printers, laser cutters, and other rapid design tools.


I’ve been a research assistant with the Bio-Inspired Robotics, Technology and Healthcare (BIRTH) Lab since my freshman year. Since then, I have worked with a PhD student to test and validate granular media scaling laws for robotic mobility in granular media. We then moved on to study the ways in which screw propelled vehicles can aid in excavation. Finally, we are now studying screw-interaction with ice.

Sun Devil Rocketry

Sun Devil Rocketry is a propulsion research club aimed at furthering knowledge in liquid, hybrid, and solid propellants. Along with research, the club also designs and fabricates high powered model rockets. My freshman year I was on one of two intro-rocketry teams that competed against each other in a competition to make a rocket that can get to 3000ft the fastest while also keeping an egg safe. After a successful launch and recovery I received my level one rocketry certification from Tripoli Rocketry Association and then led one of the intro teams the following year. Through both of these experiences I practiced and taught the engineering design process as well as learned valuable leadership and teamwork skills.

Space Works

Space Works is a professional development class aimed at giving engineers and scientists real-life experience through a project-based curriculum. This class has laid the groundwork necessary for me to be successful in my other endeavors. In the first session of the class we had to develop a lander that could safely fall three stories and mechanically deploy a dummy payload. Then, in the second semester we designed and machined an instrument that needed to be capable of taking infrared pictures in vacuum. We even used NX to create thermal models of our instrument. Overall, this class gave me valuable experience drawing something in CAD and then fabricating it. In third session of the class we learned how to write proposals and submitted it NASA-Marshall for funding.